At the Allahabad High Court level, Sunni Wakf Board claim to the title of the land was rejected. It has been litigating in the Supreme Court claiming the title to the land on which the structure once stood. Today, interestingly, it is the Sunni Wakf Board, which entered the legal dispute as late as 1961. In fact, Baqi was a Shia Muslim, and hence he intended it to be a place for Shias to read namaz.
This is the very area where stood from 1528 till December 6, 1992, a structure that came to be known as Babri Masjid, put up in 1528 by foreign invader Babar’s commander, Mir Baqi. The exact spot of the palace where Rama was born has been and remains firmly identified in the Hindu mind and is held as sacred. That is why poet Iqbal called him ‘Imam-e-Hind’. In that sense, Sri Rama was the first truly national king of India, supra region, supra varna or jati. As an avatar of Vishnu, while it was first propagated by the Tamil saints known as Nayanmars and Alwars who composed many hymns and songs dedicated to his divinity, the North which later came to accept Rama as one, especially thanks to the saint Tulsidas, the fervour for Rama worship is much more. Rama is venerated as Maryada Purushottam, and worshipped by Hindus of the north. True and devout Hindus believe that Bhagvan Sri Rama was born in Ayodhya, the then capital of a flourishing kingdom of the Suryavamsa dynasty. Fundamentals of the Sri Rama Temple Subramanian Swamy